The Novel
Victor Frankenstein, eldest son of Alphonse and Caroline Beaufort
Frankenstein, builds the creature in his laboratory through methods
of science (he was a chemistry student at University of Ingolstadt)
and alchemy (largely based on the writings of Paracelsus, Albertus
Magnus, and Cornelius Agrippa) which are not clearly described.
Immediately upon bringing the creature to life, however, Frankenstein
flees from it in horror and disavows his experiment. Abandoned,
frightened, and completely unaware of his own identity, the monster
wanders through the wilderness searching for someone who would
understand and shelter him.
He finds brief solace by hiding out in the woodshed of a remote
cottage inhabited by the DeLaceys, a family of peasants. While
they are unaware of his existence, he learns every part of their
lives by eavesdropping on their conversations and comes to think
of them as his own family, calling them his 'protectors'. He
develops the power of speech from listening to the family teach
their language to an Arabian daughter-in-law, and very quickly
becomes eloquent, educated, and well-mannered.
One day, the creature musters the courage
to finally make his presence known. He introduces himself to
the family's patriarch, their blind father, and experiences
kindness and acceptance for the first (and last) time. The
blind man can not see his "accursed
ugliness" and so treats him as a friend. When the rest of
the family returns, they are terrified of the creature and drive
him away. Bewildered but still hopeful, he rescues a peasant
girl from a river, but is shot in the shoulder by a man who claims
her. Heartbroken, the creature renounces all of humankind and
swears revenge on his creator, Frankenstein, for bringing him
into the world.
The monster searches for Frankenstein relentlessly, guided by
some papers which were in the pocket of the clothing he took
from his creator's rooms. From these he discovers Frankenstein's
whereabouts, but also discovers the horrific details of his own
birth. Upon arriving near Frankenstein's village, he meets and
tries to befriend a small boy, William, hoping that the innocent
youth will not be prejudiced against him. The boy is instantly
frightened and threatens to call for his father, Monsieur Frankenstein,
revealing to the creature that the boy is related to his enemy.
The creature kills him, and, in a further gesture of hatred against
humanity, frames for the murder a girl named Justine Moritz,
who is the Frankensteins' maid servant. Justine Moritz is sent
to the gallows because Frankenstein decides it would be futile
to confess his experiment, as no one would believe him.
Intent on his own revenge, Frankenstein hunts
the creature and finds him in a remote ice cave. Here the monster
tells Frankenstein his story and pleads with him to create
a female equivalent to himself so that he can hide from humanity
with one of his own kind. Frankenstein agrees, but relents
just before finishing the mate, aghast at the possibility of
creating a race of monsters. Enraged, the creature swears he
will destroy everything Frankenstein holds dear. The creature's
final words before fleeing are "I
will be with you on your wedding night!".
He later fulfills his promise by killing
Frankenstein's best friend, Henry Clerval, and his bride, Elizabeth
Lavenza. Victor Frankenstein's father, Alphonse, then dies
of grief. With nothing left to live for, Frankenstein dedicates
his life to hunting his creation down and destroying him. The
search ends in the Arctic Circle when Frankenstein loses control
of his dogsled and falls into ice-cold water, contracting severe
pneumonia. He is rescued by a ship exploring the region and
relates the entire story to its captain, Robert Walton, before
succumbing to his illness and dying. The creature later boards
the ship, intent on taking his final revenge, but is overcome
with grief upon finding Frankenstein dead, having lost the
only family he has ever known. He pledges to travel to "the Northernmost
extremity of the globe" and there burn his body to ashes,
so that no man can ever create another like him. He leaps from
the boat and is never seen again.
Universal Movies
Perhaps the longest-lasting and most memorable
image of Frankenstein and his Monster was created in 1931, when
Universal Pictures released what is now often praised as the
definitive horror film: Frankenstein. The image of Boris Karloff
in the flat-head monster mask with bolts in his neck and in undersized
clothes has become part of popular culture; even little children
are familiar with it and by today Boris Karloff's iconic impersonation
of the Monster has become synonymous with the word "Frankenstein".
But before filming began on 24 August 1931
a long period of pre-production preceded. At the end of the
1920s Universal Pictures, which was founded in 1912 by Carl
Laemmle Sr, a Jewish German immigrant, was still a small studio.
Nevertheless Universal had achieved a reputation as the sole
creator of the horror film genre. Low-budget productions like
The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Phantom of the Opera and Dracula
had established it as the leading studio of the genre and had
made actors like Lon Chaney and Bela Lugosi famous. In 1930
French-born director Robert Florey was hired by Universal to
develop a new horror film as a follow-up to the highly successful
Dracula. The studio had acquired the rights to Peggy Webling's
theatre adaptation Frankenstein: An Adventure in the Macabre,
which had become a huge success in London in the late 1920s.
Bela Lugosi, star of Universal's Dracula, was cast as the Monster,
but later turned down the role because he did not want to play
a character that did not utter a single word. First
test screenings with Lugosi did not satisfy producer Carl Laemmle
Jr and director James Whale was hired to replace Florey. Whale,
an acclaimed director, chose 44-year old Boris Karloff as the
Monster and together with make-up specialist Jack Pierce they
created the most influential horror image of all times.