Life and Death of Peter Stubbe
A true Discourse
Declaring the damnable life
and death of one Stubbe Peeter, a most
wicked Sorcerer, who in the likenes of a
Woolfe, committed many murders, continuing this
diuelish practise 25. yeeres, killing and deuouring
Men, Woomen, and
Who for the same fact was taken
and executed the 31. of October
neer the Cittie of Collin
in Germany.
Trulye translated out of the high Duch, according
to the Copie printed in Collin, brought ouer into England by
George Bores ordinary Poste, the xj. daye of this present Moneth
of Iune 1590. who did both see and heare the same.
Printed for Edward Venge, and are to be
solde in Fleet street at the signe of the
A most true Discourse,
declaring the life and death of one
Stubbe Peeter, being a most
Wicked Sorcerer.
Those whome the Lord dooth
leaue to followe the Imagination of their own hartes, dispising
his proffered grace, in the end through the hardnes of hart
and contempt of his fatherly mercy, they enter the right
path to perdicion and destruction of body and soule for euer
: as in this present historie in perfect sorte may be seene,
the strangenes whereof, together with the cruelties committed,
and the long time therein continued, may driue many in doubt
whether the same be truth or no, and the ratherfore that
sundry falce & fabulous
matters haue heertofore passed in print, which hath wrought
much incredulitie in ye harts of all men generally,
insomuch that now a daies fewe thinges doo escape be it neuer
so certain, but that it is embased by the tearm of a lye or
falce reporte. In the reading of this story, therefore I doo
first request reformation of opinion, next patience to peruse
it, because it is published for examples sake, and lastly to
censure thereof as resaon and wisdome dooth think conueniet,
considereing the subtilty that Sathan vseth to work on the
soules destruction, and the great matters which the accursed
practise of Sorcery dooth efect, the fruites whereof is death
and destruction for euer, and yet in all ages practised by
the reprobate and wicked of the earth, some in one sort and
some in another euen as the Deuill, who was a murderer from
the beginning, whose life and eath and most bloody practises
the discourse following dooth make iust reporte. In the townes
of Cperadt and Bedbur neer vnto collin in high Germany, there
was continually brought vp and nourished one Stubbe Peeter,
who from his youth was greatly inclined to euill, and the practising
of wicked Artes euen from twelue yeers of age till twentye,
and so forwardes till his dying daye, insomuch that surfeiting
in the Damnable desire of magick, negromancye, and sorcery,
acquainting him selfe with many infernall spirites and feendes,
insomuch that forgetting ye God that made him, and
that Sauiour that shed his blood for mans redemption : In the
end, careles of saluation gaue both soule and body to the deuil
for euer, for small carnall pleasure in this life, that he
might be famous and spoken of on earth, though he lost heauen
thereby. The Deuill who hath a readye eare to listen to the
lewde motions of cursed men, promised to give vnto him whatsoeuer
his hart desired during his mortall life : whereupon this vilde
wretch neither desired riches nor promotion, nor was his fancy
satisfied with any externall of outward pleaure, but hauing
a tirannous hart, and a most cruell bloody minde, he only requested
that at his plesure he might woork his mallice on men, Women,
and children, in the shape of some beast, wherby he might liue
wihtout dread or danger of life, and vnknowen to be the executor
of any bloody enterprise, which he meant to commit: TheDeuill
who sawe him a fit instrumet to perfourm mischeefe as a wicked
feend pleased with the desire of wrong and destruction, gaue
vnto him a girdle which being put about him, he was straight
transfourmed into the likenes of a greedy deuouring Woolf,
strong and mighty, with eyes great and large, which in the
night sparkeled like vnto brandes of fire, a mouth great and
wide, with most sharpe and cruell teeth, A huge body, and mightye
pawes : And no sooner should he put off the same girdle, but
presently he should appeere in his former shape, according
to the proportion of a man, as if he hadneuer beene changed.
Stubbe Peeter heerwith
was exceedingly well pleased, and the shape fitted his fancye
and agreeed best with his nature, being inclined to blood
and crueltye, therefore satisfied with this strange and diuelish
gifte, for that it was not troublesome nor great in cariage,
but that it might be hidden in a small room, he proceeded
to the execution of sundry most hainous and vilde murders,
for if any person displeased him, he would incontinent thirst
for reuenge, and no sooner should they or any of theirs walke
abroad in the feeldes or about the Cittie, but in the shape
of a Woolfe he would presentlye incounter them, and neuer
rest till he had pluct out their throates and teare their
ioyntes a sunder : And after he had gotten a taste heerof,
he tooke such pleasure and delight in shedding of blood,
that he would night and day walke the Feelds, and work extreame
cruelties. And sundry times he would goe through the Streetes
of Collin, Bedbur, and Cperadt, in comely habit, and very ciuilly
as one well knowen to all the inhabitants therabout, & oftentimes
was he saluted of those whose feendes and children he had buchered,
though nothing suspected for the smae. In these places, I say,
he would walke vp & down, and if he could spye either Maide,
Wife or childe, that his eyes liked or his hart lusted after,
he would waite their issuing out of ye Cittie or
town, if he could by any meanes get them alone, he would in
the feeldes rauishe them, and after in his Wooluishe likenes
cruelly murder them : yea often it came to passe that as he
walked abroad in the feeldes, if he chaunste to spye a companye
of maydens playing together, or else a milking of their Kine,
in his Woolusihe shape he would incontinent runne among them,
and while the rest escaped by flight, he would be sure to laye
holde of one, and after his filthy lust filfilled, he would
murder he presentlye, beside, if he had liked or knowne any
of them, looke who he had a minde vnto, her he would pursue,
whether she were before or behinde, and take her from the rest,
for such was his swiftnes of foot while he continued a woolf
: that he would outrunne the swiftest greyhound in that Countrye
: and so muche he had practised this wickednes, that ye whoel
Prouince was feared by the cruelty of this bloody and deuouring
Woolfe. Thus continuing his diuelishe and damnable deedes within
the compas of fewe yeeres, he had murdered thirteene yong Children,
and two goodly yong women bigge with Child, tearing the Children
out of their wombes, in the most bloody and sauedge sorte,
and after eate their hartes panting hotte and rawe, which he
accounted dainty morsells & best agreeing to his Appetite.
Moreour he vsed many times to kill Lambes and
Kiddes and such like beastes, feeding on the same most vsually
raw and bloody, as if he had beene a naturall Woolfe indeed,
so that all men mistrusted nothing lesse then this his diuelish
He had at that tiem liuing a faire yong Damosell
to his Daughter, after whom he also lusted most vnnaturallye,
and cruellye committed most wicked inceste with her, a most
groce and vilde sinne, far surmounting Adultrye or Fornication,
though the least of the three dooth driue the soule inot hell
fier, except hartye repentance, and not altogither so wickedlye
giuen, who was called by the name of commendacions of all those
that knewe her : And such was his inordinate lust and filthye
desire toward her, that he begat a Childe by her, dayly vsing
her as his Concubine, but as an insaciate and filthy beast,
giuen ouer to woork euil, with greedines he also lay by as
the wickednes of his hart lead him : Moreour being on a time
sent for to a Gossip of his there to make merry and good cheere,
ere he thence departed he so wunne the woman by his faire and
flattering speech, and so much preuailed, yt ere
he departed the house : he lay by here and euer after had her
companye at his commaund, this woman had to name Katherine
Trompin, a woman of tall and comely stature of exceeding good
fauour and one that was well esteemed among her neighbours.
But his lewde and inordinat lust bing not satisfied with the
company of many Concubines, nor his wicked fancye contented
with the beauty of any woman, at length the deuill sent vnto
him a wicke dspirit in the similitude and likenes of a woman,
so faire of face and comelye of personage, that she resembled
rather some heauenly Helfin then any mortall creature, so farre
her beauty exceeded the choisest sorte of women, and with her
as with his harts delight, he kept company the space of seuen
yeeres, though in the end she proued and was found indeed no
other then a she Deuil, notwithstanding, this lewd sinne of
lecherye did not any thing asswage his cruell and bloody minde,
but continuing an insatiable bloodsucker, so great was the
ioye he took therin, that he accouted no day spent in the pleasure
wherin he had not shed some blood not respecting so much who
he did murder, as how to murder and destroy them, as the matter
ensuing dooth manifest, which may stand for a speciall note
of a cruell and hart hart. For hauing a proper youth to his
sonne, begotten in the flower and strength of his age, the
firste fruite of his bodye, in whome he took such ioye, that
he did commonly call him his Hartes ease, yet so farre his
delight in murder exceeded the ioye he took in his only Sonne,
that thirsting ater his blood, on a time he intice him into
the feeldes, and from thence into a Forrest hard by, where
making excuse to stay about the necessaries of nature, while
the yong man went on forward, incontinent in the shape and
likeness of a Woolfe he encountred his owne Sonne, and there
most cruelly slewe him, which doon, he presently eat the brains
out of his head as a most sauerie and dainty delycious meane
to staunch his greedye apetite : the most monstrous act that
euer man heard off, for neuer was knowen a wretch from nature
so far degenerate.
Long time he continued this vilde and villanous
life, sometime in the likenes of a Woolfe, sometime in the
habit of a man, sometime in the Townes and Citties, and sometimes
in the Woods and thickettes to them adioyning, whereas the
duche coppye maketh mention, he on a time mette with two men
and one woman, whom he greatly desired to murder, and the better
to bring his diuelish purpose to effect, doubting by them to
be ouermatched and knowing one of them by name, he vsed this
pollicie to bring them to their end. In subtill sorte he conuayed
himselfe far before them in their way and craftely couched
out of their sight, but as soone as they approached neere the
place where he lay, he called one of them by his name, the
partye hearing him selfe called once or twice by his name,
supposing it was some familiar freend that in iesting sorte
stood out of his sight, went from his companye towarde the
place from whence the voice proceeded, of purpose to see who
it was, but he was no sooner entered within the danger of this
transformed man, but incontinent he was murdered in ye place,
the rest of his company staying for him, expecting still his
returne, but finding his stay ouer long : the other man lefte
the woman, and went to looke him, by which means the second
man was also murdered, the woman then seeing neither of both
returne againe, in hart suspected that some euill had fan vpon
them, and therefore with all the power she had, she sought
to saue her selfe by flight, though it nothing preuailed, for
good soule she was also soone ouertake by this light footed
Wolfe, whom when he had first deflowered, he after most cruelly
murdered, then men were after found mangled in the wood, but
the womans body was neuer after seene, for she the caitife
had most rauenoulye deoured, whose fleshe he esteemed both
sweet and dainty in taste.
Thus this damn able Stubbe Peeter liued the tearme
of fiue and twenty yeeres, unsuspected to be Author of so many
cruell and vnnaturall murders, in which time he had destroyed
and spoyled an vnknowed number of Men, Women, and Children,
sheepe, Lambes, and Goates : and other Catttell, for when he
could not through the warines of people drawe men, Women, or
Children in his danger, then like a cruell and tirannous beast
he would woorke his cruelty on brut beasts in most sauadge
sort, and did act more mischeefe and cruelty then would be
credible, although high Germany hath been forced to taste the
trueth thereof.
By which meanes the inhabitantes
of Colling, Bedbur and Cperadt, seeing themselues so greeuously
endaungered, palgued, and molested by this greedy & cruel Woolfe, who
wrought continuall harme and mischeefe, insomuch that few or
none durst trauell to or from those places without good prouision
of defence, and all for feare of this deuouring and fierce
woolf, for oftentimes the Inhabitants found the Armes & legges
of dead Men, Women, and Children, scattered vp and down the
feelds to their great greefe and vexation of hart, knowing
the same to be doone by that strange and cruell Woolfe, whome
by no meanes they could take or ouercome, so that if any man
or woman mist their Childe, they were out of hope euer to see
it again aliue, mistrusting straight that the Woolfe had destroyed
And heere is to be noted a most strange thing
which setteth foorth the great power and mercifull prouidence
of God to ye comfort of eache Christian hart. There
were not long agoe certain small Children playing in a Medowe
together hard by ye town, where also some sotre
of kine were feeding, many of them hauing yong calues sucking
upon the : and sodainly among these Children comes this vilde
Woolfe running and caught a prittie fine Girle by the choller,
with intent to pull out her throat, bu tsuch was ye will
of God, that he could not pearce the choller of the Childes
coate, being high and very well stiffened & close claspt
about her neck, and therwithall the sodaine great crye of the
rest of the childre which escaped, so amazed the cattell feeding
by, that being fearfull to be robbed of their young, they altogether
came running against the Woolfe with such force that he was
presently compelled to let oge his holde and to run away to
escape ye danger of their hornes, by which meanes
the Childe was preserued from death, and God be thanked reamians
liuing at this day.
And that this thing is true, Maister Tice Artine
a Brewer dwelling at Puddlewharfe, in London, beeing a man
of that Country borne, and one of good reputation and account,
is able to iustifie, who is neere Kinsman to this Childe, and
hath from thence twice reciued Letters conserning the same,
and for that the firste Letter did rather driue him into wondering
at the act then yeelding credit therunto, he had shortlye after
at request of his writing another letter sent him, wherby he
was more fully satisfied, and diuers other persons of great
credit in London hath in like sorte receiued letters from their
freends to the like effect.
Likewise in the townes of Germany aforesaid continuall
praier was vsed vnto god that it would please hime to deliuer
the from the danger of this greedy Woolfe.
And although they had practiced
all the meanes that men could deuise to take the rauenous
beast, yet vntill the Lord had determined his fall, they
could not in any way preuaile : notwithstanding they daylye
continued their purpose, and daylye sought to intrap him,
and for that intent continually maintained great mastyes
and Dogges of muche strength to hunt & chase
the beast whersoeuer they could finde him. In the end it pleased
God as they were in readines and prouided to meete with him,
that they shoud espye him in his wooluishe likenes, at what
time they beset him round about, and moste circumspectlye set
their Dogges of muche strength to hunt & chase the beast
whersoeuer they could finde him. In the end it pleased God
as they were in readines and prouided to meete with him, that
they should espye him in his wooluishe likenes, at what time
they beset him round about, and moste circumspectlye set their
Dogges vpon him, in such sort that there was no means to escape,
at which aduantage they neuer could get him before, but as
the Lord deliuered Goliah into ye handes of Dauid,
so was this Woolfe brought in danger of these men, who seeing
as I saide before no way to secape the imminent danger, being
hardly pursued at the heeles presently he slipt his girdle
from about him, wherby the sahpe of a Woolfe cleane auoided,
and he appeered presently in his true shape & likeness,
hauing inhis hand a staffe as one walking toward the Cittie,
but the hunters whose eyes was stedfastly bent vpon the beast,
and seeing him in the same place metamorphosed contrary to
their expectation : it wrought a wonderfull amazement in their
mindes, and had it not beene that they knewe the man soone
as they sawe him, they had surely taken the same to haue beene
some Deuill in a mans likenes, but for as much as they knewe
him to be an auncient dweller in the Towne, they came vnto
him, and talking with him they brought him by communication
home to his owne house, and finding him to be the man indeede,
and no delusion or phantasticall motion, they had him incontinent
before the Maiestrates to be examined.
Thus being apprehended, he was shortly after
put to the racke in the Towne of Bedbur, but fearing the torture,
he volluntarilye confessed his while life, and made knowen
the villanies which he had committed for the space of xxv.yeeres,
also he cofessed how by Sorcery he procured of the Deuill a
Girdle, which beeing put on, he forthwith became a Woolfe,
which Girdle at his apprehension he confest he cast it off
in a certain Vallye and there left it, whcih when the Maiestrates
heard, they sent to the Vallye for it, but at their comming
found nothing at al, for it may be supposed that it was gone
to the deuil from whence it came, so that it was not to be
found. For the Deuil hauing brought the wretch to al the shame
he could, left him to indure the torments which his deedes
After he had some space beene imprisoned, the
maiestrates fround out throught due examination of the matter,
that his daughter Stubbe Beell and his Gossip Katherine Trompin,
were both accessarye to diuers murders committed, who for the
same as also for their leaud life otherwise committed, was
arraigned, and with Stubbe Peeter condempned, and their seuerall
Iudgementes pronounced the 28 of October 1589, in this manor,
that is to saye : Stubbe Peeter as principall mallefactor,
was iudged first to haue his body laide on a wheele, and with
red hotte burning pincers in ten seueral places to haue the
flesh puld off from the bones, after that his legges and Armes
to be broken with a woodden Axe or Hatchet, afterward to haue
his head strook from his body, then to haue his carkasse burnde
to Ashes.
Also his Daughter and his
Gossip were iudged to be burned quicke to Ashes, the same
time and day with the carkasse of the aforesaid Stubbe Peeter.
And on the 31. of the same moneth, they suffered death accordingly
in the won of Bedbur in the presence of many peeres & princes
of Germany.
Thus Gentle Reader haue I set down the true discourse
of this wicked man Stub Peeter, which I desire to be a warning
to all Sorcerers and Witches, which vnlawfully followe their
owne diuelish imagination to the vtter ruine and destruction
of their soules eternally, from which wicked and damnable practice,
I beseech God keepe all good men, and from the crueltye of
their wicked hartes. Amen.
After the execution, there was by the aduice
of the Maiestrates of the town of Bedbur a high pole sut vp
and stronglye framed, which first went throught ye wheel
wheron he was broken, whereunto also it wsa fastened, after
that a little aboue the Wheele the likenes of a Woolfe was
framed in the wood, to shewe unto all men the shape wherin
he executed those cruelties. Ouer that on the top of the stake
the sorcerers head it selfe was set vp, and round about the
Wheele there hung as it were sixteen peeces of wood about a
yarde in length which represented the sixteene persons that
was perfectly knowen to be murdered by him.
And the same ordained to stand there for a
continuall monument to all insu-
ing ages, what murders by Stub Peeter
was committed, with the or-
der of his Iudgement, as
this picture doth more
plainelye ex-
Witnesses that this is
Tyse Artyne.
William Brewar.
Adolf Staedt.
George Bores.
With diuers others that haue seen the same.