The Werewolf of Skinwalker
When a rancher bought the ranch in 1994, it
had been vacant for seven or eight years. The rancher, his wife
and two kids were curious about the impressive array of bolts
that covered the doors and windows of the main house. There were
deadbolts on both sides of the doors. Even the kitchen cabinets
had bolts on them. And at both ends of the house, iron stakes
and heavy chains had been installed. The rancher guessed the
previous tenants had positioned large guard dogs in the front
and back of the home, but he had no idea why.
On the day the family moved their furnishings
onto the property, they had their first foreshadowing of the
events that would follow. They spotted an extremely large wolf
out in the pasture. The wolf cautiously made its way across
the field, and, to the surprise of everyone, sidled up to the
family, acting like it was a familiar pet. It had rained that
day, and the family remembers the wolf smelled like a wet dog
as they were petting it.
After a few minutes, the wolf strolled over to the corral
and grabbed a calf by its snout, attempting to pull it through
the corral bars. The rancher and his father began beating
on the wolf's back with sticks but it wouldn't release the
calf. The rancher grabbed a .357 Magnum from his truck and
shot the wolf at point-blank range. The slug had no noticeable
The rancher pumped another bullet into the wolf, which then
let go of the calf but stood looking at the family as if
nothing had happened. The rancher shot it two more times
with the powerful handgun. The big animal backed off a bit,
but showed no signs of distress, not even any blood.
The mystified rancher retrieved a hunting rifle and shot
the wolf again, once more at close range. The rancher is
not only an experienced marksman but a big-game hunter of
considerable repute. Five slugs should have been enough to
bring down an elk, let alone a wolf. The fifth shot caused
a chunk of hair and flesh to fly off the wolf, but it still
didn't seem fazed. After a sixth shot, the wolf casually
trotted across the field into a muddy thicket. The rancher
and his father tracked the beast for about a mile, following
its pawprints through the mud, but the tracks suddenly ended,
as if the wolf had simply vanished into thin air.
Returning to the corral area, the rancher examined the chunk
of wolf flesh and says it looked and smelled like rotten
meat. He made inquiries among his neighbors, but no one seemed
to know anything about any tame, over-sized wolves in the
area. A few weeks later, the rancher's wife encountered a
wolf that was so large, its back was parallel with the top
of her window as it stood beside her car. The wolf was accompanied
by a dog-like animal that she couldn't identify.
Over the next two years, a menagerie of weird animals was
reported by family members and neighbors. While driving into
the ranch on a bright afternoon, the rancher and his wife
saw something attacking one of their horses. They described
it as "low to the ground, heavily muscled, weighing
perhaps 200 pounds, with curly red hair and a bushy tail." It
somewhat resembled a muscular hyena and seemed to be clawing
at their horse, almost playing with it. The rancher got within
40 feet of the animal but says it literally vanished before
his eyes. Poof. Gone. They checked the horse and found numerous
claw marks on its legs. (A few months later, the wife of
a deputy sheriff reported seeing a similar muscular, reddish
beast running across the property.)
Another visitor to the ranch had a more
ominous encounter in the middle homestead, the same place where
I was set out as bait. The visitor, along with the rancher
and his son, say they saw a large blurry "something" moving
through the trees. The visitor has been meditating when this
thing showed up. It swiftly moved from the trees, across
the pasture, covering 100 yards in seconds, and when it reached
the man, it let out a ferocious roar, something akin to a
large bear, a roar loud enough to be heard hundreds of yards
away. But this was no bear. It was
nearly invisible, resembling the camouflaged being in the
movie Predator. The visitor was so scared, he grabbed on
to The rancher and wouldn't let go. He left the ranch and
has never returned.
Other creatures and beings were also seen, including exotic,
multicolored birds that were certainly not native to the
region and could not be identified. There were numerous close
encounters with dark, nine-foot-tall beasts that resembled
a Bigfoot or Sasquatch.
As if those visual experiences weren't enough, the family
claims its other senses were also challenged by assorted
weird events. They often were overwhelmed by strong musk
odors. The pastures would unexplainably light up at night
like a football stadium. They claim to have seen shafts of
light that seemingly emanated from the ground, They (and
others) say they heard what sounded like heavy machinery
operating under the earth. And they heard voices. Tom, his
son and his nephew remember hearing a loud, disembodied conversation
in some unintelligible language. The disembodied male voices
spoke in what the witnesses say was a mocking tone and sounded
like they were emanating from 20 or more feet above their
heads, but they saw nothing. The dogs accompanying the three
witnesses growled and barked at the voices, then took off
in a panic.
There were physical manifestations that aren't easily explained.
While checking on his herd in the third homestead, the rancher
noticed that someone had dug up his pasture. Hundreds of
pounds of soil had been scooped out of the ground. The edges
of the hole resembled perfect, concentric circles, as if
someone had dropped a gigantic cookie cutter on the pasture.
Several smaller scoop marks were also found.
The rancher also report phenomena similar to crop circles.
One formation found in their pasture consisted of three circles
of flattened grass. Each circle was approximately eight feet
in diameter, and they were arranged in a triangular pattern,
with each circle about 30 feet from the others. Keep in mind,
there is only one road leading into the ranch. Anyone coming
in or going out would almost certainly be noticed by the
them or their neighbors.