The Morbach MonsterThe town of Wittlich is said to be the last
place in Germany where a werewolf has been killed.
Thomas Johannes Baptist Schwytzer, a deserter from Napoleon’s Army and
a veteran of the disaster at Moscow, is fleeing to his homeland in Alsace. With
him are a group of Russians, also deserters. While passing by the village of
Wittlich, the hungry soldiers spy a farmhouse and decide to take what they want.
In the midst of their scavenging they are discovered by the farmer, whom they
promptly murder along with his sons.
The farmer's wife, seeing this foul deed lets out a wail and curses Schwitzer.
"From now on at each full moon you will change into a rabid wolf!" she screams
in her anguish.
Schwytzer relieves her suffering by crushing her skull.
But the curse works. Gradually a change comes over Schwytzer. He becomes harder,
without inhibitions. He robs, rapes, and murders at his pleasure. He soon departs
from his fellows who have had enough, and takes up with bandits, and highwaymen.
Even these ruffians are appalled at Schwitzer's excesses, so the ex-soldier flees
to the sanctuary of the deep forests.
There the tales of a wolf that walks like a man will spread throughout the countryside.
At night men and cattle are brutally slaughtered by the beast.
One night Schwytzer spies the beautiful daughter of a local farmer. Her name
is Elizabeth Beierle, and in his carnal lust he rapes her.
Days later, while by his campfire in the woods, Schwytzer
is discovered by a group of villagers who take him for
the werewolf. They give chase and corner the fugitive
near the village of Morbach. Promptly dispatching Schwytzer,
the villagers bury him at a crossing. There a shrine
is erected where a candle will burn continually. As long
as the candle is lit, so the legend goes, the werewolf
will not return.
Nine months later, a son is born to Elizabeth Beierles, whom she names Martin.
To this day the descendants of this bastard child are a respected family in
the vicinity of Morbach, and show no sign of the curse of their infamous ancestor,
Thomas Johannes Baptist Schwytzer.
That is until 1988.
One evening a group of air force personnel are returning to their base at Morbach.
Passing the old shrine they notice the candle is out. They begin to laugh and
joke about this, for all have heard of the legend of the werewolf.
Later, at the base, automatic sirens peal into the night. Someone or something
has activated the perimeter fence sensors. While investigating, a security
guard spies a large creature, like a wolf, standing on its hind legs. It gazes
at the soldier for a moment and then flees, clearing a 3 meter fence with ease.
A police dog is brought to track the beast, but upon arriving at the spot where
the werewolf was seen, the canine trembles and howls, refusing to go further.
What was it? Some story made up to frighten new recruits? Or was it really
a descendant of Schwitzer transformed into a wolf? You decide!
Regardless of the questions, the candle at the shrine is relit, and the creature
has been seen no more.