During the early spring of the year 1603 they're spread through
the St. Sever districts of Gascony in the extreme south-west
of France, the department Landes, a veritable reign of terror.
From a number of little hamlets and smaller villages young
children had begun to mysteriously disappear off the fields
and roads, and no trace could be discovered. In one instance
even a babe was stolen from its cradle in a cottage whilst
the mother had left it for a short space safe asleep, as she
thought. People talked of wolves; others shook their heads
and whispered something worse then wolves.
The consternation was at its height when the local magistrate
advised the puisne Judge of the Barony de la Roche Chalais
and de la Chatellenie that information had been laid before
him by three witnesses, of whom one, a young girl named Marguerite
Poirier, aged thirteen, of the outlaying hamlet of St-Paul,
in the Parish of Esperons, swore that in full moon she had
been attacked by a savage beast, much resembling a wolf. The
girl stated that one midday whilst she was watching cattle,
a wild beast with rufulous fur, not unlike a huge dog, rushed
from the thicket and tore her kirtle with its sharp teeth.
She only managed to save herself from being bitten owing to
the fact she was armed with a stout iron; pointed staff with
which she hardly warded herself. Moreover a lad of some thirteen
or fourteen years old, Jean Grenier, was boasting that is was
he who attacked Marguerite, as a wolf, and but for her stick
he would have torn her limb from limb as he had already eaten
three or four children.
Jeanne Gaboriaut, aged
eighteen, deposed that one day when she was tending cattle
with Jean Grenier in her company (both being servants of
a well-to-do farmer of Saint-Paul Pierre Combaut), he coarsely
complimented her as a bonny lass and vowed he would marry
her. When she asked whom his father was, he said: "I am a priest's bastard." She remarked that
he was shallow and dirty, to which he replied: "Ah, that is
because of the wolf's-skin I wear." He added that a man named
Pierre Labourat had given him this pelt, and that when he donned
it he coursed the woods and fields as a wolf. There were nine
werewolves of his coven who went to the chase at the waning
moon on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays, and who were wont to
hunt during the twilight and just before dawn. He lusted for
the flesh of small children, which were tender, plump and rare.
When hungry, in wolf's shape, he often killed dogs and lapped
their hot blood, which was not as delicious to his taste as
that of young boys, from whose thighs he would bite great collops
of fat luscious brawn.
These informations were
lodged on May 29th, 1603. Jean Grenier was arrested and brought
before the Higher Court on the following 2nd June, when he
freely made a confession of the most abominable and hideous
werewolfery, crimes which were in every particular proved
to only be too true. He acknowledged that when the by-blow
of a priest, he had lied. His father was Pierre Grenier,
nicknamed "le Croquant", a day laborer
of the hamlet of Saint-Antoine de Pizon, which is situate toward
Coutras. He had run away from his father, who had beat him
and whom he hated, and got his living as best he could by mendacity
and cowherding. A youth named Pierre de la Tilhaire, who lived
at Saint-Antoine, one evening took him into the depths of a
wood and brought him into the presence of the lord of the Forest.
This lord was a tall dark man, dressed all in black, riding
a black charger. He saluted the two lads, and dismounting he
kissed Jean, but his mouth was colder than ice. Presently he
rode away down a distant glade. This was about three years
ago, and on a second meeting he had given himself to the Lord
of the Forest as his bond-slave. The Lord had marked both boys
on each thigh with a kind of misericorde, or small stiletto.
He had treated them well, and all swigged off a bumper of rich
wine. The Lord had presented them each with a wolf-skin, which
when they donned, they seem to have been transformed into wolves,
and in this shape they scored the countryside. The Lord accompanied
them, but in a much larger shape, (as he thought) as an ounce
or a leopard. Before donning the skin they anointed themselves
with an unguent. The Lord of the Forest retained the unguent
and the wolf's pelt, but gave them to Jean whenever he asked
for their use. He was bidden never to pare the nail of his
left thumb, and it had grown thick and crooked like a claw.
On more then one occasion he had seen several, of whom he recognized
some four or five, with the Lord of the Forest, adoring him.
Jean Grenier then related with great exactitude his tale of
infantcide. On the first Friday of March 1603, he had killed
and eaten a little girl, aged about three, named Guyonne. He
had attacked the child of Jean Roullier, but there came to
the rescue the boy's elder brother, who was armed and beat
him away. Young Roulier was called as a witness and remembered
the exact place, hour, and day when a wolf had flown out from
a thicket at his little brother, and he had driven the animal
off, being well weapon. It would be superfluous and even wearisome
to chronicle the cases, one after another, in which the parents
of the children who had been attacked by the wolf, boys and
girls wounded and in many cases killed came forward and exactly
corroborated the confession of Jean Grenier.
The court ordered Pierre Grenier, the father,
who Jean had accused of sorcery and werewolfism, to be laid
by the heals, and hue and cry was made for Pierre de la Tilhaire.
The latter fled, and could not be caught, but Pierre Grenier,
on being closely interrogated proved to be a simple rustic,
one who clearly knew nothing of his son's crimes. He was released.
The inquiry was relegated to the Parliament of
Bordeaux, and on the 6th of September 1503, President Dassis
pronounced sentence upon the loup-garou. The utmost clemency
was shown. Taken into consideration his youth and extreme ignorance
Jean Grenier was ordered to be strictly enclosed in the Franciscan
friary of S. Michael the Archangel, a house of the stricter
Observance, at Bordeaux, being warned that any attempt to escape
would be punished by the gallows without hope of remission
or stay.
Pierre de Lancre, who has left us a very simple
account of the whole case, visited the loup-garou at S. Michaels
in the year of 1610, and found that he was a lean and gaunt
lad, with small deep-set black eyes that glared fiercely. He
had long sharp teeth, some of which were white like fangs,
others black and broken, whilst his hands wee almost like claws
with horrid crooked nails. He loved to hear and talk of wolves,
often fell upon all fours, moving with extraordinary agility
and seemingly with with greater ease than when he walked upright
as a man. The fathers remarked that at first, at least, he
rejected simple plain food for foulest offal. De Lancre calls
attention to the fact that that Grenier or Garnier seems for
some reason to be a name not infrequently borne by werewolves.