The Hexham Heads
“It was 1972, and at the Robson family home in Hexham,
only ten minutes walk away from where the legendary Wolf
of Allendale had roamed the woods, the two young Robson brothers dug up two
small, carved stone heads whilst they were tending the garden.
Several nights after the discovery of the stone heads, neighbour
Ellen Dodd and her daughter were sitting up late one evening
when both of them witnessed a “half-man, half beast” entering
the bedroom. The pair screamed in terror but, the creature seemed
indifferent to them and simply left the room, heard to be “padding
down the stairs as if on its hind legs”. Later on, the
front door was found open. It has been thought that the creature
had been in search of something, and had left the house to continue
searching elsewhere”
But what could be so important that a freaky demon gets sent
up from the depths of hell to collect? The website Profiling
the Unexplained gives a great description of the two heads:
“The stones, which were called the Hexham-heads, represent
two different types. The first was similar to a skull and seemed
to bear male traits; it was called “boy”. The stone
was of a greenish grey and glittered with quartz crystals. It
was very heavy, heavier than cement or concrete. The hair seemed
to run in stripes from front to back. The other head, the “girl” was
similar to a witch. It had wild pop-eyes and the hair was tied
back to some knot. In the hair, traces of yellow and red colour
could be found.
“After they have dug up the heads,
the boys took them into the house. Thereby, the whole disaster
commenced. The heads turned round without reason, objects broke
to pieces without evident cause. When the mattress of one of
the two daughters of the Robsons was dotted with broken glass,
the girls moved out of the room. In the meantime, a mysterious
flower bloomed at Christmas exactly on that spot, where the
heads were found. Besides, a strange light was glowing there.”
And there’s the wolf – we already told you about
that a bit. Well just after that the heads were given to Dr Anne
Ross, who was a Celtic expert of one type or another. She said
the heads were around 2000 years old. Almost as soon as the heads
arrived – Ross got a visit from the wolf too. Here’s
her account according to a site called GoArticles.com:
“In her own account Anne Ross described
how, one night shortly after their arrival, she woke up suddenly
at 2 a.m. feeling chilled and extremely frightened. At the
instant of awakening she saw a tall, jet black wolf-headed
figure standing against the faint white of the open door. It
then moved out into the corridor and she felt an irresistible
urge to follow it. This she did, seeing and hearing the figure
clearly as it made its way down the darkened staircase and
along the corridor towards the kitchen. Anne Ross described
the figure vividly, reporting not only its blackness and tallness
but also its distinct part animal, part human appearance. As
the creature neared the kitchen the spell broke and Anne Ross
felt fear overwhelm her and so she rushed upstairs to awaken
her husband. Together they searched the house for intruders
but found no-one and nothing disturbed by any forced entry
and eventually concluded that she must have suffered a particularly
vivid nightmare…
“[Later, as Ross' daughter] recounted, she had returned
to the empty house at 4 p.m. and opened the front door with her
key. As it swung open she saw something large, dark and inhuman
rushing down the stairs (which faced the doorway) toward her.
Half way down it had suddenly stopped and vaulted over the banisters,
landing with a soft thud like a heavy animal with thickly padded