The Werewolf of Chalons
One of the worst-ever lycanthropes was
the Werewolf of Chalons, otherwise known as the Demon Tailor.
He was arraigned in Paris on 14 December 1598 on murder charges
which were so appalling that the court ordered all documents
of the hearing to be destroyed. Even his real name has become
lost in history.
Burnt to death for his crimes, he was believed to decoy children
of both sexes into his shop, and having abused them he would
slice their throats and then powder and dress their bodies,
jointing them as a butcher cuts up meat. In the twilight, under
the shape of a wolf, he roamed the woods to leap out on stray
passers-by and tear their throats to shreds. Barrels of bleached
bones were found concealed in his cellars as well as other
foul and hideous things. He died (it was said) unrepentant
and blaspheming.