Alex Fry
"It's not a question of blood
- more like a matter of borne-in-the-bone knowledge
- that bestows the abilities of the quasimorph upon
an ordinary human. The freaks and overexcitable gung-ho
'Workers for the Good
of Mankind' with their overblown ideas about lycanthropy
and deviltry are only wasting their time when they
babble breathlessly about infectious bites and wolfbane.
"Common mistakes made by these odd-job merchants are that quasis eat people (why
on earth would we do that? It's not particularly tasty, I am told - by a 'normal'
person, incidentally), wolfbane is poisonous to quasimorphs (and werewolves in
particular) - it's only a herb, after all - and that quasimorphs cannot cross
running water, look at crucifixes, eat garlic or step in churches. These last
are vampire legends anyway and denote a vast confusion on the part of the Von
Trolmps of this world. Oh - and the light of the full moon is exactly the same
as the light of the sun, which reflects from the surface of a lifeless ball of
rock. Very Occult.
"As previously said, quasi-morphognomy is a skill based on pure self-deception
rather than being bitten by infected people. This is basically the brain, consciously
or sub-consciously, telling the body what shape it is. This has to be a real
Belief, not just a dim conception or fantasy that causes the brain to believe
that it is in a body of a different shape to the body it is in. Therefore the
brain reshapes the body to its own specifications - if I'm in a wolf, it says,
this body needs to be shorter, the knees need to reverse, etc. Thus the inner
form of the mind shapes the outer form of a body.
"The change being brought about
in this manner, there is no need for the 'frantic
rolling on the floor, grunting and growing hair'
of the twisted dreams of the self-styled lycanthropologist
- it feels more like a whole-body sneeze and takes
place in that amount of time. Also because of the
nature of the inner difference, there are different
ways to start the process. Some, notably the old-time
Shamen, smoked herbs and ate narcotic mushrooms to
clear their minds of any other thoughts. Others use
different means - a chacun sa guerre, as the French
say. The 'accomplished' (although there cannot be
said to be levels in quasi-morphognomy) student can
focus at will, using not more than, say, a finger
held in front of their faces, or pale light such as
moonlight. Maybe that is how the legends began.
"Quasimorphs are generally referred
to as werewolves despite the fact that that is not
the only form they can take - it's just that the
neural reprogramming is made easier by the fact that
deep in the racial consciousness of humans, the werewolf
legends are embedded. This makes the Belief easier,
which means that more quasimorphs use it, which in
turn leads to more werewolf legends. It is quite
possible, especially in cultures with different animals
in their quasi-morph legends. For example, the Egyptian
cult of Bast was a ring of seven priestesses with
the abilities to use quasi-morph forms of all feline
animals, notably cats, black panthers and semi-panther-semi-human
"There is no reason at all why
quasimorphs should not be able to take on the form
of other humans, however the idea is so repellent
to most that they will not even try to take on, let
alone seriously use, another human form. It's simply
a question of human rights - if you were a criminal
of some sort, the idea might appeal, but quasimorphs
in general lack those faults of theft and murder
that are so evident in many 'normal' people."
Taken from Dr. M. Barnham's A Commentary
on Morphology, 1990
Alex put down the dusty old book and grinned in the
half-light of the school library. His material for
the horror story prize was rapidly accumulating, and
soon his masterpiece would be fit for entry. He didn't
believe it himself - the professors who wrote the books
he had been reading over the last few days were obviously
either joking, lying or mad - but the volumes were
a great way of gaining information and confidence for
the work he was undertaking. And the prize would be
well worth the toil - two hundred pounds was handsome
pay by any 15-year-old's standards, for a few weeks
of thinking and writing.
After writing for a few minutes more, Alex packed
up his paper and pen, replaced the book on the shelf
(disturbing large amounts of dust in the process) and
left via the main door into the schoolyard. He was
still laughing at the stupidity of those who thought
themselves learned and clever who were wittering on
about obviously non-existent links between shamen,
werewolves and vampires, and those who, in some Gothic
delusion, thought themselves to be the mythical monsters
about which they wrote. Alex had read in a scientific
journal somewhere (he was that type of person) that
the proper disease of lycanthroposis exhibited itself
as a mental delusion in which the infected believed
themselves to be a wolf. The disease itself was, the
journal had said, a version of rabies that could be
passed on through the bites on infected wolves - hence
the biting legend - and was generally curable.
As Alex left the school, he noticed an oldish man
nearby on the other side of the road. He only caught
a glimpse, but that one glimpse was enough to make
him a little unquiet for the rest of his fairly short
journey home. The man was not particularly interesting
- normal trousers, tweed jacket almost concealed under
a large overcoat and a large, wide brimmed hat which
cast a light shadow over the man's face - it was just
the fact that this evidently winter wear was being
pulled along by its owner under the midday June sun,
in the middle of an English heatwave, that caused Alex
to look slightly askance at the figure as it darted
into a side street on its own private business. Still,
Alex reasoned, if the old man was wearing those clothes,
he probably had a reason. Maybe he had an allergy or
some sort of disability that forced him to outfit himself
like that. Dismissing the incident with a shrug, Alex
continued homewards.
At home that night, Alex pulled
paper and pen towards him and continued his story.
However, he found all too soon that the words that
had flowed so easily from his pen earlier that day
now refused to budge from his hindbrain. His story
was reaching the focal point where all the different
parts of the story came together, which in theory
was fine. However, this fine ambition was rather
spoiled by the fact that his focal point refused
to focus in his mind, forcing him to abandon his
project until suitable words could be found with
which to write. The hero was to be faced with the
werewolf, and had to in some way escape in order
to… groups
of words spun and gibbered in his mind, none of which
fit the setting or the moment, or even just the style
of his writing. That night, or rather early that morning,
a very tired, depressed writer finally managed to sleep
with the main part of the story still unborn in his
Alex was slightly disturbed
by the fact that the sightings of the man he had
seen on that first day when he began to write his
horror story had increased as time went on - now
he saw the person at least three or four times a
day. The strangest thing was that the guy appeared
to be watching him, scrutinising him with a gaze that
he could only describe as measuring - he felt like
a second-hand horse with those dull grey eyes fixed
upon him. Alex wondered if he should report the man
to the police as a malicious loiterer - a stalker even
- but felt that it would probably have no effect at
all. Even so, he decided to keep on his guard in the
near future, in case the man were some kind of strange
person such as the type one vaguely hears about on
the news and in urban legends. Alex believed utterly
in urban legends, although out of all the legends he
had been reading of recently in his project he believed
none. (As a point of interest, it is strange that somebody
so cynical of ancient Norse, Greek and Egyptian legend,
to say nothing of the more minor Celtic and Saxon mythology
he had been exposed to also, would believe so strongly
in stories that apply to any day in a 'fill in name
here' way…)
Even so, Alex was cautious on
his way home, keeping to well-lit areas and populated
streets as he made his way back to his house, about
a kilometre away from the school. As he walked, he
felt that he was being followed, in the best traditions
of werewolf horror stories and movies everywhere.
Every time he took a quick look over his shoulder,
he saw a clichéd
figure darting for the shadows at such a speed that
he could not make out what it actually was, or indeed
what sort of height it was. However, he dismissed this,
with only a small protest from the parts of his brain
under 'storage_memory_horror' and 'functions_common-sense'
which were telling him that a) to ignore the possible
illusion would be probably the single least intelligent
thing he could do and that b) he was invited to consider
films such as 'An American Werewolf in London' and
remember that bad things happen to those who, on a
dark night, see a figure out of the corner of their
eye then ignore it. Generally involving claws and teeth.
Alex steadfastly ignored all these hints and comments
in the general area of 'Take Cover' and continued walking.
The next he knew, something had appeared from behind
him and was standing in the road ahead, regarding him
solemnly. The general shape was humanoid, but the whole
body was covered in short, wiry hair, which even in
his position Alex wanted to pat. The legs looked odd
and, at first, Alex could not tell why, but after ten
or so seconds he realised that the strange look was
probably due to the knees being reversed. The whole
thing stood about six foot six high, and a passage
from a book Alex had been reading earlier flashed before
his mind momentarily:
"The typical lycanthrope, while
in lupine form, can choose between full and semi-lupine states (as
long as one of these states is in use when the moon
rises - otherwise, the lycanthrope is subjected to
the most severe pain and will automatically change
to the full Wolf State. This also occurs upon contact
with silver to any large enough degree - say, three
large burns to skin surface areas.
"This pain occurs due to the
immediate change in bone and organ structure without
the necessary preparation to mental and physical
strength, and feels like every bone in their body
is being simultaneously broken, and re-set within
the space of ten seconds. At the same time, the internal
organs feel like they are squishing around inside
their settings. This sensation is probably due to
every bone in the affected lycanthrope's body being
simultaneously broken then re-set in the space of
ten seconds, while at the same time every one of
their internal organs squishes around inside their
"Silver is not fatal to werewolves,
but can cause a nasty burn that will take days to
heal. This is one way to identify a werewolf in human
form. There are a few other ways to identify werewolves,
but these will not be listed here in case my literary
sources are uncovered as well as in a sense of self-preservation
- I do not wish to die any more than any other person,
and the people that would use any of the possible methods
for finding out would almost certainly be the type
of xenophobe that would wish to kill me."
'Professor D. Wiseman', Discourses
on Lycanthropy, 1995
Silver! Even as Alex stood, he thought of a desperate
attempt at escape. Taking a deep breath, he slowly
removed his silver confirmation crucifix from his inside
pocket and concealed it in his hand. The werewolf,
meanwhile, looked him up and down and seemed to be
humming to itself in a low, long monotone. Alex's mind
flew back to Dr M. Barnham's Commentary on Morphology
and remembered the point about mental focusing. Obviously
the creature was about to change form again, and Alex
could not let that happen if he was to escape. Slowly,
he drew back his hand ready for one fling, clasping
the cruciform medallion in his palm. At that point,
even in the trance-like state of the beast, it noticed
the chain dangling from Alex's hand and let out an
intimidating growl, which worked so well that Alex
involuntarily jerked his hand up in front of his face
in and instinctive (and futile) attempt to protect
himself. As he did so, the cross flew from his sweating
palm and landed directly in the centre of the chest
of the thing.
The effect was electric. The wolfman howled in pain
and clutched a clawed hand to its chest. This was a
mistake, as its hand was immediately burned in the
same way as its chest had been. Writhing in pain, the
monster let the crucifix fall from its spasming hand
- which of course landed on the waiting right foot
down below and caused the creature to hop on its one
undamaged foot. The lycanthrope jiggled and howled
in a very human voice... and then stopped. No sound
or movement came from the form (which was glowing like
moonlight in three places from the contact of the silver
- on the chest, the left hand and the right foot -
even under the sulphurous yellow of the streetlight),
and it looked like it had frozen solid in a two-second
subzero wind. Only the eyes were still alive, and they
stared at Alex with a gaze that was more pity than
the hatred that common sense said they would. Then,
all of a sudden, the figure dropped to the ground,
letting out a scream of pure agony as it twisted and
contorted on the ground to the gristly accompaniment
of a wet popping and crackling sound.
…every bone in the affected
lycanthrope's body being simultaneously broken then
re-set in the space of ten seconds, while at the
same time every one of their internal organs squishes
around inside their settings…
Alex ran…
…panting and worn out,
Alex fell through his front door and walked, slowly
and unsteadily, to his bedroom. There, he once again
pulled towards him the paper and the pen. His new
knowledge provided some problems, of course, but
even so Alex smiled in the light of his lamp.
Now he knew what to write.