The Werewolf of Henrico County
It seems there's a werewolf - or at least that would be my guess
- roaming around Henrico Co. in Varina - in the Confederate Hills
Recreation Center located at 302 Lee Avenue, Highland Springs,
VA 23075. It is a well known local legend although no one seems
to know about its origins. It is only seen during the full moon
and has been known to howl. It also chases people although it
has never killed or hurt any humans. It is six feet tall and
is covered in a grayish white hair. It can stand on its hind
legs or run on all four legs. It has a human like body but a
face like an animal - particularly wolf-like.
After reading the stories of the werewolf
of Henrico County (Varina), I thought I would contribute some
odd experiences that happened to myself and my husband. My husband
used to live with his parents on Old Osbourne Tpke. and their
house is right next to the Battlefield Park. They have a large
backyard, unfenced, with a field going back about 100 yards and
woods behind it, which continue into the Park. When we first
started dating, he was living there, and I would come to visit
him and stay over some nights. We would go behind his house and
sit on a picnic table to smoke, because we couldn't smoke in
the house. There were many nights, usually very late (about 2
or 3 in the morning) when we would sit outside and hear awful
howling noises. It sounded like maybe dogs, but I have never
heard a dog make sounds like that. A lot of times it creeped
us out so much we would put our cigarettes out and rush back
into the house.
Another time, in broad daylight, we went outside to smoke and
were sitting on the picnic table. All of a sudden, we saw a pack
of white dog/wolf things coming toward us. They weren't running
or anything, just slowly making their way across his neighbors'
backyards toward us. Those dog things came into his backyard
and walked across the yard, right in front of us. There was something
not right about them. They seemed to be in some sort of trance.
They didn't seem to notice us at all. They just walked right
across the yard, across the field, toward the neighbor's yard
on the other side. This experience is one of the weirdest things
that's ever happened to me, because we had no way of explaining
where they had come from, what they were, or what they were doing.
Another experience has become a kind of family legend in my
husband's family. This happened about 9 years ago. His family
has a pet cat that they used to let outside (before this happened,
that is). It was my husband's father's birthday, and they had
let the cat outside a while before. They were all sitting around
the table, eating birthday cake, when they heard something crash
into the glass back door. They rushed out to see what the noise
was, and they found the cat laying on the ground, covered in
crap, and I literally mean crap. Apparently, my husband's mom
made a joke that a bear had found the cat and wiped his butt
with it and threw it against the house. That was the only thing
they could come up with to explain the event. Needless to say,
the cat is an indoor cat now.
Lots of other weird stuff happens around
there, but these are the only incidents that might be related
to the werewolf. When I told my husband about the story I read
on your site, he got really creeped out and said, "that
would explain a lot."
Strange Creatures in Virginia