In late 2004, during a shoot for a horror
film by ReQuest entertainment entitled “They Feed”, the producer, Cory Turner,
and his associates offered Anthony Brownrigg the opportunity
to direct an upcoming low budget werewolf film they had written
entitled “Devoured”.
Brownrigg looked at the project, and
thought that the script needed some work. He already had
an idea of what he wanted to see – but thought he would take a different approach.
He thought it would be a good idea to get some feedback from ‘werewolf
fans’ before he started work on the script. The people
who buy the tickets might have some ideas on what they wanted
to see. It might be worthwhile to ask the customer what they
He put a small message board on the
Internet. He titled it “Building
the Ultimate Werewolf”, and explained on the board what
he wanted to do; to get the fans’ input, on what they
wanted, and didn’t want, in a werewolf movie.
By the second day, the site posted over
nine thousand hits. Turner and Brownrigg immediately began
to conference; discussing the significance of letting the
fans have a voice before scripting began. On the boards,
various topics were raised. Topics such as, “How tall is a werewolf”, “What kind
of fur does a werewolf have?” and “do werewolves
have tails?” Due to the fan on-line discussions, the
questions continued to get more and more detailed. Ideologies
got more intricate, and it became more and more clear that
the original script just wasn’t fitting. It didn’t
have the scope the fans were looking for.
Brownrigg and Turner decided that an entirely new script was
necessary. Brownrigg was already in agreement with what the
fans were saying - it was more in keeping with his own vision.
So the entire project became the property of Brownrigg, with
ReQuest taking a lesser role of Associate Producers.
Brownrigg knew he needed help with fulfilling
his vision of a storyline. He brought on his wife Maegan
Allen Brownrigg, a novelist in her own right. She was working
as head writer on another project in development; a science
fiction television series entitled “Digital Burn”.
Maegan, a long-time werewolf fan herself, set aside the time
to work on the concept. He also brought on Ed Landers, a
gamer, a writer, and also an avid werewolf fan. The three
began to work on a background story.
Maegan researched the message board,
coming up with a list of what the fans wanted and didn’t
want. The three of them studied the list, then set it aside
and began to work on their story. Although they did not share
the actual plotline or script, they did keep the Pack updated
on the development. When it was finished, they were surprised
to find that their concept was in keeping with what the fans
had wanted.
Brownrigg began a search for someone
that could match his ideas in the ‘look’ of the project. He was impressed
with the work of Timothy Albee, who was getting a lot of press
for another project. Albee had been working on “Kaze:
Ghost Warrior” a fully animated feature. "Kaze" contained
mainly anthropomorphic characters. While the style was more
attributed to animation, the quality, and detail of his design
matched Brownrigg’s need for a combination of beauty
and reality.
Brownrigg contacted Albee, sharing the back-story of the Pack,
and what he wanted the film to be. Albee, who already had been
looking for a werewolf project to filter through his new animation
studio, loved the idea. In early 2005, Brownrigg asked Albee
to come on as co-producer for the film.
With Albee on board, Brownrigg began work on the script itself.
Working in tandem with his wife, they completed the script
in April of 2005.