Blue Moon: 1998
Color: 90 min.
aka Once in a Blue Moon
aka Rage
aka Wolf
Director: Brian Garton
Cast: Heather Howe, Brian Garton, Amanda Wilburn
Plot: Justin McAndrews, a free-living, collegiate jock,
falls in love with studious Kathy Perkins. Unfortunately Justin
has a run in with Arnold Black, a drug dealing low-life, who
hides a stash in Justin's car. To make matters worse Justin is
involved in a mix-up with a gypsy, Zian. Zian throws the curse
of lycanthropy (werewolfism) on Justin. It's Tuesday night and
Justin has until Friday at midnight, the next blue moon, to evade
the curse, settle things with Black, and fall in love with Kathy.
If he does not find a cure by Friday then Zian's curse will turn
him into a wolf forever... that is, if Black doesn't kill him